
This tool sends transactions to the XRP Testnet address of your choice so you can test how you monitor and respond to incoming transactions.

テスト支払いに必要なTestnet XRPアドレスを設定する。
このXRP Testnetのアドレスに送信

Caution: This X-address is intended for use on Mainnet. Testnet X-addresses have a "T" prefix instead.



(Partial Paymentの準備中)
Deliver a small amount of XRP with a large Amount value, to test your handling of partial payments.

Create a time-based escrow of 1 XRP for the specified number of seconds.

Create a payment channel and fund it with the specified amount of XRP.

Your destination address needs a trust line to (the test sender) for the currency in question. Otherwise, you'll get tecPATH_DRY.

The test sender creates a trust line to your account for the given currency.